Friday, March 7, 2014

Post V-Day/Spring

Ladies and was your Valentine's day?? Hope things turned out the way you wanted them to whether big or small. As for me, I wasn't feeling well on Vday and my husband decided to surprise me the next day with breakfast at the Waffle House and a mini shopping spree. I was floored.

Of course I asked "what did you do?" LOL. He said nothing and just wanted me to have a nice Vday this year. I thought it was a sweet gesture and after a steak and egg breakfast we went over to Potomac Mills Mall and I walked out with about 9 items. We came back home, sipped on some Hennessy for me and Whiskey for him and kindly did the do early in the day as he had to be at work at 10pm that night.

All I can say is I am grateful for my husband and love him to pieces! :-)

On another note, spring is right around the corner. I am in full swing gym mode and healthy eats mode. I would love to shed 20 pounds and some nice abs wouldn't hurt. These days looking through Facebook and Instagram, people are inspiring me to continue to push on with whatever I am trying to accomplish. I definitely get a lot of healthy food ideas from page

What are you aiming for and what are your goals for your health and your body for the spring/summer?

Until Next Time...

Hugs & Kisses,

The Love Mistress :-)