Sunday, August 17, 2014

Dating 101: Find Out if He is Married!

Ummmm first off hello guys and gals!

So, I just wanted to add my two cents and comment about that ratchet reality show called Love and Hip Hop of Atlanta.

I just caught up on some past episodes that I had recorded on my DVR. To my surprise, the chick who I thought had more sense than most on the show (MiMi), turned out to be a damn do do bird to say the least.

The story is that she has been dating and having sex with a dude (Nikko) for about a year…and she just found out he is married?? I’m sorry…WHAAATTTT!! Dating 101…when you first meet a person and go out on a date with the person ask questions! Normally between the first moment you meet until the first long phone conversation there are a multitude of questions that should be asked about your new found friend. I get that it is TV, reality tv to be exact and so they do what they do to get ratings, boost drama and scandal.

However, MIMI claims she did not know he was married. On top of it all she still questioned the fact that Nikko..the dude in question, was actually responsible for leaking the sex tape that was so widely publicized. Whether real life or show…she made herself look like a plum fool. I used to like her as I thought from past episodes she appeared to have her head on straight when it came to these losers..but as we can see…looks can be deceiving.

Rule #1 - Get to know your partner in the beginning. I understand some people lie about themselves and who they are/were. However, check the signs, clues and red flags about folks before you sleep with them.
Until next time…

Hugs & Kisses J
The Love Mistress

Saturday, August 9, 2014

A Chick in MY BED??

Hello ladies and gents!!

So let me tell you about this cruel ass joke my husband played on me. On my way home I had to use the restroom. So of course I am standing at my front door, dancing around, fumbling with my keys and on the phone with my sister. As I open the door, a chair was blocking the entrance. As I am conversing with my sis, I'm becoming distracted trying to figure out why the damn chair was blocking the door.

I threw everything to the floor and couch, told my sis hold for a moment and as I ran to the bathroom, I caught a glimpse of him in the bedroom. At first sight, he was laying on the bed on his side naked from the waist down and he appeared to be sleeping. What I also caught a glimpse of appeared to be another female laying on my side of the bed.

So I used the bathroom, told my sis I was going to call her back and ran straight to the kitchen…I don’t have to say why I ran to the can come to your own conclusions about that…He quickly jumped out of bed and ran behind me, bursting into laughter. I’m yelling “What the F*&% is so damn funny?” He says “I got you good.” I ran into the bedroom only to see a pillow and one of my wigs on the other side…appearing to be another chick.

When I tell you I was pissed…I WAS PISSED!! But then I couldn’t do anything but laugh. That was the worst joke EVER. Talk about 0 to 100 in two seconds was an understatement. You know I investigated to make sure there wasn’t a B&*^% in my house.

I later got him back with one of my tricks where I tied a rubber band around the spray nozzle in the kitchen sink. While watching a movie and during our intermission, I asked him to get me something to drink and rinse out my glass, he went to turn the water on and got sprayed with cold water…

Who’s laughing now biatch!! LMAO!!